OCR Goals for 2018: Spartan Tri-Fecta and Savage Syndicate
I don’t have anymore races on the books for 2017 and I’m already bummed! This is my first year doing obstacle course races, so I’m not sure how bad the withdrawals will be until my next race (which is Warrior Dash in March). I’m kind of guessing it may be similar to that same empty feeling I get when football season is over… and I hate that feeling for sure! But at least it won’t be as long and I’ve got plenty of training to do to get ready for next year’s racing season.
In the meantime, I’ve already set some new goals for 2018 — Spartan Tri-Fecta and Savage Syndicate being at the top of the list. I want to experience the next level in these obstacle course races and push myself to achieve a new level of fitness. This doesn’t mean I think I’m a pro or even that I’m experienced in the sport of OCR. No, I’m still just getting started, but I do want to push myself to see how far I can go with it. I’m setting goals beyond (2019) to hopefully be good enough to compete in my age group and maybe more.
I read an article recently where the author was kinda (snobbishly) bashing beginners. They were saying just because someone finishes a race, doesn’t mean they really know what they’re doing. Hmmph! Well, maybe not, but at least we’re out there trying and not laid up on the couch doing nothing all day… so give us a little credit! Everyone starts out somewhere. Even the pros started out as beginners. It’s all about keeping up the intensity; the drive, motivation, and determination; learning from your mistakes; constantly striving to improve yourself and achieve your goals — that’s what matters most.

For any OCR beginners that might not be familiar with Spartan’s Tri-Fecta and Savage Race’s Savage Syndicate, let me explain. It’s not like I’m an expert on the subject either (obviously), but here’s what I’ve learned thus far:
Spartan Tri-Fecta is achieved when you complete a Sprint, Super, and Beast all in the same year. Upon completion of those three races, you become a member of the “Tri-fecta Tribe.” There is an even higher level that can be achieved, known as the “delta.” The delta is earned after you have completed three Tri-Fectas. A special pyramid display allows you to proudly display all three of your medals.
Savage Syndicate is achieved after you complete two or more Savage Races in the same year. Additionally, Savage race offers what they call “state pins” for the state that you run your races in.

Both have different medals associated with them, and of course you get the satisfaction of knowing you accomplished something only a small percentage ever do. I’m really looking forward to the challenge and I know it will not be easy. I’ve got a lot of work to do! I know the key component that is drastically lagging in my conditioning program is running and cardio — and not just flat-surface running, but also trail running. In the Savage Race I did recently, I really think the rough terrain was a big contributor to the cramps I experienced in my calves. To try to prevent that from happening again I’m definitely going to be running on a lot more. I plan to run on rugged terrain more often and for longer distances to try to build up my endurance to tackle the Spartan Beast by October 2018.
Beyond those major milestones, I also plan to run the Warrior Dash (as previously mentioned), Tough Mudder, Rugged Maniac, and Conquer the Gaunlet. If I can get all of those in, as well as the Spartan and Savage Race races, then that should prove to be a substantial uptick in my OCR activity and a pretty busy year overall. It will definitely push me to improve my physical condition and mentally it will boost my confidence for sure.
So there you have it… my goals for 2018. This goes back to what I’ve stated in my previous post about registering for races early to stay committed to your goals. I will be registering for these races as soon as I can so that they are on my calendar and I have a target date to be ready by. I’m really looking forward to 2018 and the challenges it brings. There’s no time like the present for you to start setting some goals of your own for 2018. Maybe 2018 will be the year you get into Obstacle Course Racing and run your first race? Maybe? Could be. The hardest part is just getting started… and there is no time better than right now to pick a race and sign up.
Here’s to a productive and fit 2018!